Wednesday, October 27, 2010

Road Trip - September 2, 2010

Rutherford B. Hayes Sundial
[Find Kelly]

Kelly is sitting on a sundial at Spiegel Grove in Fremont, Ohio, where the home and museum of President Rutherford Birchard Hayes are located. Hayes was the 19th President and the only one ever to promise to run for a single term (a promise that he kept). We haven't been in the museum, but the house tour is well worth doing.

Rutherford B. Hayes Burial
[Find Kelly]

The grave of President and Mrs. Hayes is located south of the house.

McKinley National Memorial
[Find Kelly]

The impressive looking building behind Kelly is the McKinley National Memorial in Canton, Ohio where the 25th President, William McKinley, and his family are entombed. He was the last Civil War veteran to be elected President. By the way, be prepared for a little workout, there are 108 steps from the parking lot to the top.

William McKinley Burial
[Find Kelly]

The twin sarcophagus of William and Ida McKinley. Their young daughters, Katherine and Ida, are entombed in the back wall of the memorial.

Koala Kitchen

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